Bow Shock


I can feel the bow shock building in front of me
Infamous Lake Erie chop near Marblehead
There is a marina I want to get to, even when the
Spray comes over the foredeck, met with a marine heliopause

I can’t turn back for the harbor and safety
Or slow down and risk running into night
Having to sort out the light
I plan a path;  it is over before it is employed

I inspect the pressure as it arrives, look for the sign of failure
Loss of a critical component, no spares below
This with a bright clear sky,  solar wind gusts that scud and drift
I know that this can be accommodated, calculated

The giving way expected, the course telescoped into nothing, everything
My father died of prostrate cancer, the bottom feeder of bodies
He pursued any fixative that did not cost anything
He sold his boat, a sea skiff, for far less than it was worth

He was tremendously hollow near the end, an echo of a shadow
Of a man who once lived well protected under the Sun.



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