I suspect I write poetry unconsciously.
At least when I start writing, all my poems seem to be unconscious.
Sometimes I am able to wake them up.
I look on poetry as apt language; a good poem can communicate things as nothing else can. I want a poem to surprise and delight the reader – I think that is in the poem’s job description. As a musician, I know that music and poetry live together in the same house. They wander around and are constantly bumping into each other. When you read a poem there should be an implied melody. That should be in the job description, too.
I write poetry because it fills a need, I feel great when I have a completed poem, with all the things in the correct places, and nice layers like sedimentary rocks, different colors. A good poem should be challenging, and sometimes uncomfortable, for the writer and the reader. That also belongs in the job description; not as rules, though – more like guidelines. I often write poems about science and technology and cosmology. That’s my background, so I guess I see music there.
“I like a beautiful melody telling me terrible things” – Tom Waits