The Targolith


This isn’t much of a path

It leads to a dim morphic plain,

Winding five acres of rock


Entwined trees make you walk askance

Avoiding the matted underbrush

Cluttered with your Mother’s forbidden things


The Targolith thumbles through the varnish

Of your days;  you feel him ambling towards you,

you scratch at his ankles as if you were prone


He ascribes lust to your shadow as it

Leaps from you, a subsuming parasite

But a loving one, that you have nurtured


Expecting to briefly converge, uncover,

You want the Targolith to ravish you

Powerful, unrestrainable, ubiquitous


He cannot distinguish, extinguish

Men and women

He is alive only to their attraction


Here is where the Targolith walks

so repressed,

Who might otherwise stroke your hair and attend.

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