Duplex Triskaidekacouple with One Merged Line


 1.                                                                    2.

Don’t say it                                                            We require two pieces of identification

“I don’t really have a name.”                              “The body has only one.”

But you are called things                                    What is the thing you are called?

“I am the Science of Empty Space.”                  “Empty spaces are crammed full of unknown things.”

This conversation takes place in the future     This conversation occurs on more than one level

I am walking on a grassy path near the mill      It recreates things long past and far future.

I just pass the wooden building and                   An overlay;  try an overlay now, I’ll wait.

An arrow strikes my right temple                        I know it is not an arrow, but a crossbow bolt

I didn’t even see it.  I didn’t hear it,                      Thrilling briefly before death

I want what happens;  when we want to watch death from another field we always imagine it

Happens in a dream, and I am                             As walking in a dream that continues forever

Looking at the lone old man                                 Outside, at the end of a singular, deep

Walking                                                                     Path.


©2017   eolon

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